We love birthdays. Especially when we get to celebrate such a kind, generous, wise and fun guy like Woody. This year in anticipation of our birthday dinner, the girls decked out the house with balloons, streamers, hanging lanters, confetti and race medals. We enjoyed some delicious Chinese take out and bundt cakes. Then took a sunset walk in the hills behind out house.

Megan gifted Woody a beautiful rug...or pot holder...or maybe it's a coffee coaster. She made it in her art class at school.

Among other things, Zoe gave him a box of Mike and Ike's that she earned in her Sunday School program. A card was attached giving him clues so that he could guess what it was. They went something like this...
1. It starts with M and end's with E.
2. I don't like them.
2. We ate it backpacking.
3. You called it Moose Droppings.
great birthday for a great guy