While in MN over Thanksgiving, my sister-in-law, Anne, had everyone paint reindeer ornaments as an activity. It was really fun to see what everyone did once their creative juices got flowing.
On Sunday afternoon, we did the same thing as a family. I have to admit that I usually blow off most opportunities to do crafts. But when I actually sit down to do it, I always have a great time. My "Nuggets" snowman came to life exactly as I had planned until I got to the final touch...spelling "DENVER" across his jersey. A slight miscalculation on space and I was forced to abbreviate.
Tanya created the first ever Hawaiian snow-woman...with a top-hat! We thought Zoe's had the chickenpox, but she assured us it is just falling snow. Megan's snowman is the coldest of them all. Brrrrr...
You all should go into business!