A couple weekends ago, we went on a road trip to SW Colorado. It was time to visit Lake City once again. The San Juan Range is spectacular, so we decided to drive up Engineer Pass as far as the rugged jeep road would allow us. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that rugged.

Our first stop was the old ghost town of Capitol City.

Then we were on to Whitmore Falls for a picnic lunch. The trail down from the road to the falls was steep with a bunch of loose rock. I'm sure it scares off most visitors, so once we got down to the bottom, we had the falls to ourselves.

Time for a quick family shot! Oh wait, where's Zoe? Our little mountain goat couldn't resist the rock climbing challenge.

Ha! I caught her! She found the best seat in the house. It was hot up there, so the breeze and mist created by the falls was refreshing!

Even Tanya got in on the climbing action. I tried to get her to take a swim, but she wanted nothing to do with the challenge.
Enjoy the quick video of the scene.
reminds me of hawaii, sort of.