My brother and his family came out to CO for a week and we had the opportunity to join them at Lake Dillon for some camping over the 4th of July holiday. When we planned this six months ago, I had pictured a very different experience at the lake. The water level was as low as I've ever seen it. There was a statewide ban on open fires. And almost every community had cancelled their 4th of July fireworks shows due to the high fire danger.
In the spirit of spontaneity and creativity, we didn't let a few downers keep us from having a great time together.
The three girls planned a fifteen minute choreographed "water fireworks" show for everyone else. They shot their super-soakers in sync with unique patterns.

The kids all kayaked a bit. Nate was gracious to let Zoe paddle him around. I think she needs a little more practice before she's "drives" with a passenger on board.

Megan & Emma did great cruising around.

Our few days were filled with many horseshoe and ladderball games.

After all these years, I learned Wes is a total horseshoe shark. He had some mad skills and toasted me in every game. It wasn't even close.

Even Rocky & Jasper did some dancing. Those two were hilarious to watch.

Also on tap was some slacklining. The only two trees that could support our weight were quite far apart. That line got quite jiggly and no one could manage more than a second or two on the line.

On the fourth, we were treated to a special dessert from Megan, Emma, and Zoe. What you see below is a tray of chocolate chip cookies covered with CoolWhip. Next came the blue M&Ms, and lastly the Red Vines!

On our final day, Wes & Anne were dropped off at the top of Vail Pass. From there they biked 14 miles downhill to Frisco on a super scenic bikepath!

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