March is one of the snowiest months in Colorado, so you can imagine how delighted I am that the temps have been in the 60's. To enjoy the nice weather, we decided to head over to Waterton Canyon for a family bike ride on Sunday afternoon. It's been a while since we've biked, so it took a little coaxing to get some of our shorter family members to be on board. Chocolate did the trick.
The first half of the ride was a little crazy. The wind was blowing...hard. Really hard. There were a few falls and some tears and we weren't sure we were going to make it far. Thankfully, the wind died down and things took a turn for the better...we ran into the big horn sheep. These frisky guys were not at all afraid of humans. At first we saw them near other folks and thought to ourselves how unwise they were to be so close to wild animals. Have you ever seen the show "When Animal's Attack?" Anyways, we soon realized that the sheep walk right up to you. I could have pet him and he nibbled on Woody's tire. I was having flashbacks to when my parents told me to feed a deer with a huge rack in Yosemite. As we rode off something spooked the bunch and they bolted across the road, right next to Megan! That might have been the most exciting moment of her young life!
A little ways up the trail we found a perfect spot to enjoy our chocolate bribe and hop on river rocks. The ride back to car was uneventful, downhill and pleasant.
wow what stupid parents you had!!