Birthday Recap

Birthday Recap
From the pictures above, you wouldn't be able to tell it was MY birthday over the weekend! Well, it was, and I had a great day! To start the day off, I was treated to a delicious breakfast and several homemade cards. I've got to say that hand-made cards from the girls are simply the best. Zoe worked on hers (bottom left) for over an hour on Saturday. I hope they never stop with their creativity!

After church, we hit up my company's annual picnic. Once again, the kids activities did not disappoint. New this year was a caricaturist. The face painter was off the charts with the designs she offered. I tried to get the girls to choose an "Incredible Hulk" design, but the butterfly and fancy mask options were much more appealing to them.

The day ended with more eating. We took the girls to Fujiyama. It was their first time at a Japanese Steakhouse where they cook in front of you. YUM!


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