Hike to the Upper Crater Lakes

Hike to the Upper Crater Lakes
Friday's task was to hike up to the lower lakes, find a campsite, setup camp, eat a delicious taco dinner, and then explore our surroundings. Success on all fronts!

Saturday's fun featured a day hike to the upper lakes to see what adventures we could find. The hike began with a steep climb that paralleled and crossed a cascading creek/waterfall. I'm going to guess the waterfall dropped about 400' from the upper to lower lakes. The wildflowers were delightful leaving us in awe of this special spot. Each girl took a particular interest in spotting and announcing just about every Columbine (CO State Flower - top left pic) they found. On the return trip, Kelsey told us all that the entire scene made her feel like she was in a "fairytale". Indeed!


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