On Monday, we went on a whale watch trip with a non-profit group called the Pacific Whale Foundation. Most of us had never been on a whale watch before and we were all excited to see these huge creatures up close. We were not disappointed. From the moment we left the harbor, and for the next two hours, the whales put on quite a show. The naturalists on board taught us all kinds of neat facts that we didn't know. Such as...
- The whales come from Alaska and spend November-April wintering in the Hawaiian waters.
- The females whales may give birth or look to attract a suitor during this time.
- All the whales are fasting and will resume eating when they get back to Alaska.
- The whales never sleep.
- No one knows why or can predict when they will breach (jump out of the water).
The seas were a little bouncy during our trip and that eventually got Megan feeling a little woozy. Thankfully, we had no episodes on board, but I think we were all ready to stand on solid ground when it was over.
your whale pictures are amazing, 90% of us take the same picture and just get a picture of disturbed water.