Two more gone...with a little help

Two more gone...with a little help
Megan's two front teeth are finally out! They had been stubborn little buggers with plenty of wiggle, but that was about it. With the new teeth growing in at a rapid rate, we decided once again to visit the dentist for a little assistance. If you don't recall, Megan's bottom front teeth came out the same way.

Megan was a little insecure with her new look, but is now embracing the change. Since the new tooth was being pushed back by the "stubborn" ones, she now has to use a tongue depressor for 15 minutes each day to try and guide the new tooth back into position! Hey, I'll take that strategy if it means we can avoid braces in 5 years!


  1. Pefect for Christmas time!

  2. megan your a cutie with or wihout two front teeth.


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