Last Friday the kids had the day off of school so my friend Kacey invited us to go on a "kid-friendly" hike with her. We ventured about a half hour away to a beautiful spot called Mt. Falcon. Since she had been there many times before, I let her take the lead. She chose a trail that she had often frequented...before she had kids...and she figured it would take about an hour. The hike started heading down into a valley and continued that way for about 45 minutes. Down, down, down we went, happily taking in the gorgeous views.
Well, what goes down must come up, and so it was with our rocky trail. About half way through, my kids were getting a little tired and I believe both of them had already had a minor melt down after a few slips. Thankfully a little candy corn and some snacks did the trick and got their mind of of their fatigue. Onward we marched, but the farther we went, the more we heard "are we there yet?" and "how much longer?".
Two hours into it Kacey and I decided to boost moral by deciding where to have lunch. We knew the kids were tuckered out and ready to be done, so we had to pull out the big guns and offer them something they couldn't resist...Yogurt Land. Yes, we are the coolest moms, graciously setting our kiddos loose in a self serve yogurt shop with nearly unlimited choices of candy toppings. Mmmmm, delicious goodness for all.
I was wishing I had been invited until I read how the kids got tired, if they got tired you can only imagine my condition - and yogurtland would not have saved the day for me it would have to have been coldwater creek or vera bradley. you are good mommies.