Rocky had some "unsupervised" time one night and found himself in a whole lot of mischief with Megan's doll Natalie. He proceeded to bite off her right index finger. Many tears were shed over this attack, until Megan found out they have an American Girl hospital. For a fee, you can bring your girl to the store and they will dress her in a hospital gown, put her on a plane to Wisconsin, and return her two weeks later all healed up!
We filled out the necessary "admission" form, and Natalie was off. Not before Megan gave her a sweet hug & kiss, and told her to "be brave".
Natalie should return any day now. I'm sure she will be out of reach in order to avoid encounters with our little white and brown terror.
Megan told me ag assured her that natlie would have a snack while on board. She will get a new limb. Sweet picture.