Mother's Day

Mother's Day
It was a different Mother's Day this year as the mother to be celebrated was a thousand miles away! Tanya was on her way back from CA where she spent the weekend with several friends running a half marathon. I'll let her share more about her fun times later on this week.

She finally arrived home at 8:30 pm and walked into a house with two girls that had been anticipating her arrival for days. It was a long weekend of making multiple cards and other crafts for the best mom they know! On Saturday night, we concocted the idea over dinner of baking a special cake that the girls would decorate. You better believe we all had HUGE pieces shortly after Tanya's arrival!


  1. The girls are lucky to have Tanya and Tanya is lucky to have them, and all three girls are lucky to have Woody, but more about that in June.

  2. How sweet! and I love Meghan's new haircut! :)


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