It finally happened, Megan lost her first two teeth...at the same time. They've been a little wiggly for a month and the new ones have been growing in steadily behind them. The dentist thought it would be best to give the baby ones a little help, so out they came. Megan was a trooper, she was a little bummed that she didn't get to lose them naturally, but very happy that the tooth fairy paid her a "two-teeth" visit.
She wrote a sweet note to the fairy asking if she could keep her teeth and included a place where she could circle either "yes" or "no" to answer her. The fairy was in good spirits and decided to oblige. Megan is slowly getting used to the gap but I've noticed a slight lisp in some of her words. I love it, it's just too cute! Her top two are a little loose too, so we shall see if the gap will expand in the next couple months. (Posted by Tanya)
Losing them that way is WAY better than losing them naturally, I think. I hated having loose teeth in my mouth and people used to trick me to yank them out. And, you get the tooth fairy either way! win-win