Birthday Fun Run

Birthday Fun Run
We had a little birthday party for me on Saturday. It was supposed to include a group fun run to a point that overlooks the front range mountains. Well, it rained and poured as the temperatures plunged. The show must go on right? So we all huddled under the park shelter with a lone patio heater as our only source of heat. Our second source of heat arrived an hour into the!

After most everyone had left, James and I completed the 1.7 mile fun run course the rain.


  1. To other sources of energy which warms your soul were James and Zoe. Rain can't completely dampen your spirits among such nice people, think of it as liquid sunshine.

  2. I may have looked outside around 5 and was a little thankful for sick kids ;) We are sorry we missed celebrating with you. I'm glad you did the run anyway.

  3. Bummer! We were sad to have missed it!

  4. Those pictures dont do justice to how cold it was... :0

    We love you Woody!


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