Although the days still filled with the warmth of Summer, the school year has come upon us. Last week Megan confidently walked into her new school with my hand in hers (I wonder how many more years she will let me do that). I've been surprised by her ability to adapt to this new environment, especially since she didn't know anyone.
Our routine of drop-offs, pick-ups, and the peppering of questions about her day during dinner has begun. She came home the second day of school and announced that she met a friend...every parents hope for their shy child...she told us her name and that she liked the color of her hair. How simply a friendship can start!
Zoe seems to like the transition of Megan starting school too. She admits to enjoying time alone with Mommy, more attention for her I suppose. She does talk about Megan a lot during the day and makes her surprises for when she comes home. (Posted by Tanya)
well Tanya, by the time shes 12 she won't let you hold her hand. Zoe looks so tall in this picture - I bet she will pass Megan up in height someday.