Friday was our best weather day and we made sure to get out on the water for some tubing! I was curious to see if our girls would be willing to go by themselves or require us to join them. Megan was all about going solo this year! Zoe needed a little assistance, but was willing to let Megan provide that on one occasion.
My sister was the captain of the ship and did a masterful job of providing rides at the perfect speeds. That was until I dared her to try and get me off! What a big mistake that was!
Not that she succeeded, no I was able to hold on for the 10 minute slingshot ride. But boy did I pay the price for a good 24 hours after. The insides of my elbows were rubbed raw on the canvas and my feet & knees were completely bruised from slapping the water incessantly. Just another crystal clear reminder that I'm not as young as I sometimes think I am!
the lake looks beauiful - what kind of ski boat do they have? Did you guys water ski?