Bear on the loose...

Bear on the loose...
We had a little excitement in HR on Wednesday afternoon. A small bear started prowling around the suburbs. The Department of Wildlife was called in and they kept an eye on the open space area where the bear finally ended up. This was about a mile or so from our house.

Bear Sighting Stops Traffic, Locks Down Schools

Well, Thursday morning rolled around and I had planned on getting up early and going on a trail run in the backcountry behind our house. In a later post, I'll talk about the trail race I'm going to be training for this summer. Anyway, I checked the local news websites to see if our bear friend had been caught yet. He/She was still on the loose.

I decided to venture out anyway as the sun was about 20 minutes from rising. I got on the trail and made sure to keep on the alert. As I approached a ridge with lots of trees/brush, I heard some loud rustling and saw some brown movement in my peripheral vision. I couldn't see well through the brush so I ran a little got louder. My adrenaline was pumping!

I rounded a corner and ran right into a group of 5 deer. They were startled and bounded away. I did the same, but when I was a safe distance away, stopped and watched them a bit. They were beautiful to watch.

The rest of my run was uneventful, but it was a great way to start the day!


  1. Jerry encountered a bear and its cub on a walk the day we left there house last time. That is not something I care to see outside of the zoo! Run safely!!!

  2. We were wondering how close to your house it was. It's hard to believe one would come all the way down there!

  3. Tanya, Tanya - be careful!!!! Your not little red ridinghood. - rather your little blond running in the hood. Bears are actually very afraid of you too.

  4. Woody is the one who went off running in the dark with a bear on the loose...not me. I at least go when there are several others out on the trails in the broad daylight. The biggest thing I have run into is a stink bug!

  5. It wasn't dark out! In fact, I took in a beautiful sunrise. And I did encounter a mountain biker out I had backup in case I got into a tussle.

  6. well Woody - your not little red ridinghood either. how about carrying pepper spray? Just don't carry honey!!

  7. tanya with the stink bugs, just carry deodrant spray.


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