Last Friday was Megan's Kindie Circus. Unlike the preschool Circus Parade where the kids wear their Halloween costumes and sing a few songs...this performance was an actual circus...sort of.
Megan was a juggler. Her job was to spin a plate on top of a stick. The "secret" that she kept from us during the months of practicing at school was that "the plate was attached to the stick". They even "wow'ed" the audience of parents by spinning their plates upside down!
When the circus performers weren't in center stage performing their act, they all sat around in a large circle singing songs that would tell the story of whatever group was performing their skit.
A very well done show. Megan's teacher, Mrs. Arro, does such a great job with the kids. Tanya volunteers in the classroom one afternoon a week and is amazed at her ability to manage so many kindergartners!
She told me the secret plate story last time I was there and swore me to secret-cee. It great that she can keep a seret that long - old age with its trick absentee memory helps me keep secrets forever.