Last week I got the privilege of helping out with our church's Vacation Bible School. It was so fun! The theme was centered around science, so we got to do some cool experiments and learn about how God gives us the power to do all sorts of things. Being the games leader, I got to show the kids how to make geysers out of a bottle of Diet Coke and Mentos ("the fresh maker"). I couldn't believe how high that soda flew into the air. It was a hit and each group got to do their own.
On the last day, our youth director agreed to allow each kid to slime her if they collectively raised $60 that week to go towards buying desks for kids in India to have in school. Well, not only did they reach $60, they actually doubled it. It was cool to see the girls empty out their piggy banks and give. Megan even added a few more coins in later, saying "this is for the kids that might have to start school late" (like she did last week).
When it came to slime time Zoe was a little reluctant at first, but carried out the duty after some encouragement. Megan wouldn't even touch the stuff (made from oatmeal, applesauce, green jello, watermelon shampoo and green dye). It looked pretty nasty, but smelled good. (Posted by Tanya)
How fun! VBS is the best!