Spring is here and we are spending more and more time outside. Zoe's tricycle seemed a bit too small for her this year, so we headed over to Wal-Mart and picked up the 2008 SeaStar. I also got the all important iridescent handlebar streamers to go with it, thanks to Nana! Not only are they streamers, but they have plastic flowers on the end that spin in the wind...very cool!
Zoe's been on it twice and still needs some work in the areas of steering and pedaling. I guess it handles a little different than her trike. I look forward to when she can zip around without my assistance. I'm sure that day isn't too far off.
go Zoe go!!! You got the 2008 seastar and I got the 2008 seabring :-) I don't have any cool streamers tho. I see yours is a convertible also.