I meant to post this yesterday, but our little "hacking" incident prevented me!
This weekend we had the pleasure of joining the Sullivans for a weekend up in Breckenridge. It was a chilly weekend and there is no shortage of snow up in the mountains!
On Saturday morning, we bundled the kids up and took them to a sledding hill in town. This hill puts all other hills to shame. It is groomed like a ski slope, so all rides down are fast and bump-free. In the past, our girls have not had the most pleasant of sledding experiences. They usually end with them falling off the sled or getting a face full of snow. This hill did neither, so they both had a great time with zero accidents.
I also had fun until Zoe started a pig pile on me!
There is a golf course near us that allows their driving range to be a sledding hill this time of year. I am not sure if you have to pay, but I do want to try it out!