Nana is out visiting, so it's a special week all the way around. The girls have some extra fun times and Mom & Dad get a rest from our daily routine of baths, stories, etc. Thanks Nana for all you do while you're here!
It wasn't 24 hours after Nana's arrival that I noticed we adopted a new member of the family. You see...Nana gave Megan another doll for her ever growing collection. "Christmas Daughter" as Megan has now named her (we are not sure how she came up with this name), has catapulted to the top of Megan's favorite doll list. She's totally attached to it. The problem is this doll has HUGE, beady eyes. As if "Baby Megan's" eyes were spooky enough, now we have Christmas Daughter staring at us too! A picture will be coming soon.
Now on to what you see above. Nana made cookies with the girls on Monday night, so Tanya & I could have a date night to the Nuggets-Cavs game. You may be saying..."poor Tanya, I bet she'd rather be doing something else on a date night"...but that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm amazed at her Nuggets knowledge that has developed over the last few years. She's a legit fan now! She will even watch the games on TV when I'm not home!
Is Megan your Christmas daughter and Zoe your Halloween daughter? just a thought...