So do you think Tanya could be a finger/hand model??
I also enjoyed the recent caterpillar to butterfly experience at our house. What I enjoyed most was watching my wife get so giddy about the whole thing. I know she said yesterday that she had fun...well, she was really into it. I'm scared to think about what is coming next.
Take a look at the picture above, can you believe that black thing coming from the butterfly's face is its tongue?!? Prior to Tanya picking this one up, it was eating a strawberry. I think it was trying to continue eating on Tanya's finger.
Just for your information Woody - butterflys are related to giraffes - therefore explaining the tongue.
ReplyDeleteGuess whats coming next? The initials are S.W.
I have to take this opportunity to point out that we really do buy toys for our chuildren when they are too young to enjoy them - why just this year my daughter really got into butterfly development and my son zoned out on legos!