Fun around the house...part IV

Fun around the house...part IV wife is simply amazing. While I was at work on Wednesday, she was on the phone with the CEO of the company we bought the swing set from...just hurdling over the obstacles we had encountered the night before. You can see one of the beams up top that just wouldn't line up....yup, it's in now.

We're back in business...ready to flip some pages of that darn instruction book!


  1. Tanya you are amazing - you came from a long line of women who weren't afraid to get the job done!
    I'm proud of you - both of you - Woody, your amazing too! One of the amazing things you have done is choosing Tanya :-) -

  2. It looks like its pine - are you going to weather seal it? Or if TL is doing the finish work - what color Tanya - faux?

  3. I'm very impressed, Tanto!


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