Another weekend gone...another camping trip in the books. This time we went to Estes Park with the Craig's. Our original plan was to camp at Lake Dillon, but those darn pine beetles killed off enough trees, that they had to close the campground two weeks ago due to "weakened trees". That left us scrambling to find another on short notice.
Our big outing on Saturday had us heading into the RMNP and the Alluvial Fan was our destination. This cool waterfall has quite a history you can read about by clicking the link. The many boulders provided us a lot of "rock-hopping" opportunities. It also allowed me to fulfill my "bare feet in cold river water fascination". For some reason, when I come upon one of these rivers, I always have to take my shoes/socks off and stick my feet in the numbing waters. This time around, both girls joined me.
Once again, you will be getting another week of camping memories...
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