First Crush?

First Crush?
Megan and Zoe have been playing in the backyard much more lately. So has the 11 year old boy who lives next door. He likes to play baseball with his friend.

A few nights ago, we caught Megan standing at the fence gazing at the boys playing catch. She wasn't talking to them...just watching. When their ball rolled under the fence into our yard, Megan gladly retrieved it for them...again, without saying a word.

About 20 minutes later, she walked over to us and whispered in our ear, "Can I go play baseball with the boys?" It was hard to squash her enthusiasm, but we didn't think the boys would find it all too fun to have a four year old girl play catch with them.

So is it a crush? Or does she really like baseball?


  1. I vote crush or she would not of whispered to you. Next year he will be old enough to babysit -that would be convenient.

  2. Well, I guess the way to double check is to ask her if she would like to play catch with you.

  3. So cute! That's only a 7 year age difference! :)

  4. Please someone assure me that 4 year old girls cant get crushes!

  5. Sorry Steve, I kissed a boy in kindergarten. It's all down hill from here!


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