On Sunday morning, Jesse & I got up before sunrise and drove about 10 minutes from the campground to the trailhead of Rams Horn Mountain. This hike was short and steep. We reached the summit in about 25 minutes, but 60 seconds in...I was completely out of breath. But it was all worth it as we were treated to sweet views of the RMNP & Long's Peak (check back on Monday).
This hike had sentimental value for me since this was the same hike my brother & I did during the summer of 2003 when we vacationed in Estes Park for a week with his family. We somewhat stumbled onto this hike as the unmarked trailhead was right outside the door of the condo we rented. It was that trip (and hike) that made me realize just how special of a place the Rockies are.
Yes--I remember this hike! I still keep a birthday card Tanya made for me on my desk...with this scene as the backdrop. Great memories.