Yesterday was Megan's last day of preschool and she went out in they do for every break...with a singing performance. What I found amusing is that on her mid year progress report, her teacher said she needs encouragement in singing class. Apparently, she wasn't participating. I guess she was memorizing the songs in her head because she knew every word when she sang it in the performance. Amazing what kids are learning when you don't think they are paying attention. Afterwards the kids got to have a party in their room. Zoe and Meg loaded up on the goodies. (posted by Tanya)
Yesterday was Megan's last day of preschool and she went out in they do for every break...with a singing performance. What I found amusing is that on her mid year progress report, her teacher said she needs encouragement in singing class. Apparently, she wasn't participating. I guess she was memorizing the songs in her head because she knew every word when she sang it in the performance. Amazing what kids are learning when you don't think they are paying attention. Afterwards the kids got to have a party in their room. Zoe and Meg loaded up on the goodies. (posted by Tanya)
They hear everything you say, even when you think they are a million miles away - except things like "bedtime, wash your hands and etc) :-)"