On Friday night, Tanya & I had an overnight get-away to Golden. A big thanks to Nana for watching the girls while we played. We selected Golden as our destination because a lady I work with was in a play there and we thought we'd go check it out.
The play, "Tuesdays with Morrie", was excellent. My biggest regret is that we didn't go see it sooner so we could recommend it to others (we caught the second to last performance). I haven't read the book, but I just might now. It touched on many emotions with humor mixed in all around.
Golden is a very cool small town. I had no idea just how cool it was. After breakfast on Saturday, we pow-wow'd to discuss the plans for the day. We both agreed that checking out the free tour of the Coors Brewery would be fun. It was! We learned a ton about the brewing process on our forty minute tour. They also provide three free samples at the end of the tour. That might have been more appealing had we not caught the first tour of the day at 10am. If you're ever in the Golden area, you should check it out!
Mmmmmmm, free beeeeer.