Family Adventure

Family Adventure
Don't you love when after living somewhere for quite some time, you come across something cool that you never knew was there?

On one of my jogging routes, I find myself running down one of our bike paths by this small creek. On Sunday, I noticed for the first time that in one area, the creek actually forms a pond and small waterfall. There is a picnic table, bench and lots of rocks for hopping.

After dinner on Sunday, I announced we were going on a family adventure. The immediate question was "where??", but I wanted to keep my new spot a surprise. So we jumped in car for the long 2 minute drive to the trail that took us down to the pond.

The girls loved it. I'm sure this small pond looked huge to them. There was a fun trail all the way around.


  1. The first thing I thought when I saw this picture was "Do we live in the same place?" It's awesome to find little treasures just outside your door!

  2. What a wonderful Dad! Just look at those smiles! Pointed toes on a girl means extra special moments!


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