I love this time of year...not only because the trees are budding and the warm Summer breeze is just around the corner, but because stores finally stock my favorite Easter candy treat, Cadbury Eggs. I have a tradition of treating myself to one a year. This morning, while browsing the Easter aisles at Wal-Mart, I only had the option to get the four pack. So I went for it of course. I justified it by the fact that they seem smaller than the single large ones. As I write this post, I am munching on my second one of the day. Any guesses on how long I can hold out until I eat the other two? (Posted by Tanya)
My guess is, they are your favorites, and its early am and two are already gone - the other two should be preparing for their final resting place. But its ok, after all the four of them together are smaller than one large one - better yet since its over a week till easter you can get some more and still be seasonably fashionable.
ReplyDeleteI believe in equality in marriage, so I think the other two should be coming my way. 50/50 right?
ReplyDeleteLet it be known that Woody's work has a plethora of Easter treats in their kitchen! Thus, I believe my workplace should be stocked with goodies too.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't call several boxes of Peeps a plethora of Easter treats. Cadbury Eggs are the ultimate in Easter treats. How about I bring home two Peeps to trade for the two eggs. That sounds fair.
ReplyDeleteTanto - I like your logic! And Peeps are in no way a fair trade for the Cadbury Eggs! :)
ReplyDeletefor me it is the chocolate peanut butter egg. worth stealing for.
ReplyDeleteFinal Tally: 3 eggs for Tanya - 1 egg for Woody. Equality??
ReplyDeleteYummm...I would have trading anything for 1 chocolate peanut butter egg. Might have to make a run to the store today.
Whenever I buy a treat at the store I get one for Mike too. But by the timehe gets around to eating it, I ususally already have. Oops, it's the thought that counts right!