Now that the weather has turned beautiful on us, we are seeing one outcome of the warmer temps. Algae! Our little pond in the backyard develops this nice green covering that requires scooping and treating to keep it from taking over.
We are trying to decide if we should remove the fish and water lilies and treat the water with chlorine to eliminate all algae growth, or just suck it up and continue with maintaining it as is.
The pros of chlorinating is that the water will be nice and clear with minimal maintenance. The cons get a little personal. No more Dorothy and her 16 little friends. No more water lilies. And we're not sure how Silly the frog will tolerate chlorinated water.
Any opinions out there?
I'm all for keeping Dorothy, her 16 friends, and Silly happy. :)
ReplyDeleteKeep fish! Introduce giant alge sucking creature into ecosystem...
ReplyDeleteI'm with Steve, there are algae eating creatures - check the fish shop.
ReplyDeleteAlso with Steve. Save the chlorine for the hot tub.
ReplyDeleteWoody - type in "algae eating fish" in google and the first three site are good! Its a form of a catfish -
ReplyDeleteWhy are we so focused on fish when a beautiful girl girl is the center of attention? Hi Cutie Zoe!