Thanks to the Cosart's for sending us this picture they took!
Calling all dads with daughters! Matt Rhodes recently let me borrow a book called, "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". I'm almost finished and feel confident saying that it is a must read for all dads with girls. It is powerful, yet practical. Most importantly it is a swift kick in the rear to wake up the realities our girls are facing (or will be soon) and just how important our role is in their lives.
Even if you find yourself disagreeing with some of the author's perspective and advice, I've found that it has plenty to take away and learn from. I'm grateful for this eye-opening read...not that I didn't already know there's a lot of junk out there that our girls will encounter, but that I need to be preparing for these things and developing healthy habits now.
The book costs $17. It could be the best $17 you spend in a long time.
For more info and better reviews, check it out here on: Amazon
Woody! Megan and Zoe are so lucky to have you for their protector and Dad!