Something you don't see everyday...

Something you don't see everyday...
I got an email with this picture from my Mom this week. I thought it was worthy of a post. They live on a beautiful lake in New Hampshire. Here's what she said:

"We had a phenomenal sight this morning…some crows were eating something out on the brand new ice, when a bald eagle swooped down and scared them off. (If I were a crow, a 7-foot wing span would surely scare me off…) For 10 minutes, the eagle proceeded to finish off the prey, and finally he took off… a magnificent show for us."


  1. Wow this was a great picture. I first didn't realize it was ice till I read what your Mom wrote. Great sharing Marcia! Does that lake freeze over so that you (or someone) could go skating?

  2. Ice skating, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, walking the snowmobile trails... and sled rides by "Java." It's a winter wonderland. The ice can get up to 3 feet thick - there are even car and truck races during the local Snowdeo Fests.


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