Painting is the latest craze in our house. Both girls will sit at the counter for long periods of time painting in their coloring books. I wonder if anyone is like me...I get a little antsy when I see the brown bleeding into all the others colors. I had to hold back the urge to grab the paintbrush as I watched Megan dip it into the brown oval immediately followed by a dip into the pink. Don't worry though...I let go and found joy in watching them paint away! Check back tomorrow to see the one and only "Rainbow Elmo" with his many brown-toned colors.
This had to be written by Woody! Left brain, right brain - you wouldn't let your browns and pinks mix but boy can you fix computers and understand them beyond my comprehension. I noticed Katie is very particular about staying in the lines and Megan is drawing big pink circles and saying its people at the museum. Lets see what kind of careers they have in 20 years. You keep track, I'll be 83 and probably won't have a brain! :-)