It's been a great week with Nana, the girls love all of the extra attention and focused time with her...and I appreciate the pampering I get too! While Nana was tucking Megan into bed tonight, she asked Megan what she wants Santa to bring her. Megan said that she made a mistake and told Santa she wants Dora, when she actually wants a doll with a bottle. Nana assured her that she will talk to Santa and set him straight. I think Megan is at ease now! Phew! Good thing Nana has Santa's phone number.
One of the reasons Nana picked this week to visit was to be able to see Megan's Preschool Christmas performance. She was fabulous, but I'll tell you more about that on Monday.
The pleasure is all mine. Its great to find out what you call "pampering" I call "fun".