I mentioned about two weeks ago that Tanya might have Lasik surgery. Well, last Wednesday she actually had PRK instead. I have no idea what that means, but her doctor said it was a better type of laser correction surgery for her eye needs. The doctor would only perform the procedure on one eye at a time, so she has to go back for round two in a week or so.
The bummer about PRK is that you don't get the instant gratification that you do with Lasik. Tanya has to wear a contact lens on her eye for a week and the improved vision will come over a period of a few weeks.
The nurse at the surgery center knew we had young girls, so she gave us two extra pairs of protective goggles. Tanya had to wear them for 24 hours after the procedure. I don't think Megan & Zoe took their goggles off during that time period either.
Megan is certainly the downhill skier - Tanya the only zoolander character that made sense and Zoe - I think the Angel who woke up and realized she had to fly around in some clouds for the day and is a little concerned about it. You girls are great!