The other night Tanya & I got in a "purge" mode. Has that ever happened to you? Where you come to your senses on junk or clothing that you've kept around for years...never to wear...never to use. Then you make the decision to chuck it all and it feels so good!
Well, I got going on one box of junk and pulled out this old Lincoln Logs set. I knew immediately this item would not be disposed of. I have fond memories of building this cabin when I would visit my Grammie & Grandaddy and letting my GI Joe guys have battles in and around it. It is one of the few things I have from my grandparents.
This simple log cabin is actually not so simple to put together. Fortunately, in his great wisdom, Grandaddy wrote out instructions for how to put the cabin together. As I unfolded the old, crisp piece of paper...I was quite surprised to notice an interesting piece of information at the top of the page. Click on "Previous" to see this paper.
ReplyDeleteThat was so special. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Woody - how wonderful! I cherish things from the past also and can appreciate your feelings.