On Saturday, we met up with Scott & Catrina at the traveling Macy's Parade on Parade Tour at the Cherry Creek Mall. They had all sorts of cool stuff to look at and participate in.
One of Megan's highlights was helping to walk "Henrietta the Hippo" down the parking lot. It was a great privilege to hold one of the ropes and she had to pay close attention to the lady in the white suit as she blew her whistle to start/stop walking.
When the kids arrived back at the blue tarp, they were supposed to raise their hand and wait for the next kid to come relieve them of their 'rope holding' duties. Megan must not have heard that instruction, because the minute her feet hit the tarp, she flung the rope and ran! Fortunately, her antics didn't have any adverse effects on Henrietta's pull skyward.
Standing under a pink elephant can be very dangerous - run Megan run!