Today's the day!
On Saturday, we attended Kelsey's 3 year birthday party at Redstone Park. If you ask Megan & Zoe, it was the highlight of the weekend! Everything flowed nicely as Scott & Catrina kept things moving along. Although, the anticipation was building throughout the party for the pinata.
You see, Kelsey had a 'Dora the Explorer' themed party, so of course they had a 'Dora' pinata! When I first saw pinata, I thought it was cute. But then the realization of what was about to happen hit home and I voiced my concern to Scott that our girls might get traumatized should they see some wild kids taking a bat to their beloved Dora. He agreed that it might not have been the best idea, but it was too late.
How silly was I to think they would be shocked at the violence! I forgot what was inside the pinata. The sheer fact that candy came flying out of the battered Dora, erased any memory of the attack and was replace by the joy of the mad scramble to gather up the treats.
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