Two little monkeys...

Two little monkeys...
...jumping on the bed!

One named Zoe and one named Meg.

Daddy called to Mommy and she did run.

Down to see the monkeys having so much fun.

When Cade came to visit, he slept on a mattress on the floor in our basement. I was down there the other day with the girls and we decided to pull the mattress out into the center of the room and have at it! A jumping free for all! It was hilarious watching them.


  1. I think meg is going to be a supermodel! gorgeous! and zois is too cute

  2. I heard there were 3 monkeys jumping on that bed-
    hope this information won't make his face turn red-
    the story goes his name is Daddy-
    he is a really a silly lad-ee!


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