It's a holiday weekend!! The long holiday drought from New Year's Day to Memorial Day is finally over (I don't want to hear any comments from any teachers or bankers out there)! We're heading up to the mountains with the Bubiers for our annual camping trip together. Last year we went to the Ouray/Telluride area and this year we're going to Redstone, CO over by Aspen.
We are also experimenting with renting a tent trailer for the weekend. This baby is going to be deluxe! Complete with refrigerator, propane furnace for the chilly nights, two stoves & a big ole awning. I'm pretty excited (as you can tell) to try it out! The Bubiers are renting one too, which is a necessity for them since Catrina is in the vicinity of being 7 months pregnant! She already wins the 'Tough Camper' award for being willing to go camping in her current state!
Megan is fired up to go camping with Kels-Kels (as she now affectionaly refers to Kelsey). She can't stop talking about it. It seems to be reciprocal since Scott emailed me this week and said 'Kelsey keeps talking about going camping with Megan and cooking marshmallows.' Fun times ahead!
Enjoy, we are looking for a good location for a trip this summer. You'll have to let us know how you camp with young kids before we make any arrangements.