At this point, it's difficult to find any tree that's not conforming to the changes of Spring.
We've been enjoying a visit with the McLeans these last few days. After spending some time with Paul's bro & family, they came down on Sunday. It's been pretty mellow as both Paul & I have had to work...but the kids are having a blast together.
On Monday night...Cade, Megan, Rocky, Penelope & I all took part in a marathon hide & seek game. Rocky is...well, you know who Rocky is...and Penelope is a stuffed pig. I would have the kids go in the other room while I hid the stuffed animals in separate hiding spots. Megan's job was to find Rocky and Cade would hunt down Penelope. Once they got the okay from me, they would then come running back in and go on a hunt. It was really fun and their excitement for the game was contagious.
The cutest part of the game was when one of them would find the others animal first. Cade often found Rocky first and you could just see him using all the restraint his little body could muster up to not tell Megan where he was. Megan didn't have as much restraint and just had to blurt it out when she found Penelope.
Our tree is also a late bloomer. I'm not sure if it is because our driveway is north facing or our utter neglect over it since spring sprung! Only time will tell. Gret picture Woody!