What do you know...two flashback posts in 1 week!
Each year our guys group in SB would take a 3-day trip somewhere. The one rule was it had to work out to $100 or less per person. Over the years we had some pretty amazing times together...Yosemite, Big Sur & the canoeing/kayaking on the Colorado river in Nevada. One of my favorite trips was kayaking out at Santa Cruz island. It was beautiful. We made our way from the campground kayaking the shoreline for what seemed like hours on end...exploring sea caves and other cool rock features.
The sea caves were intense due to the swells raising the water level in the caves every few seconds. Our helmets were a must. Gloves would have been a nice addition as several of us sliced our hands on the barnacles attached to rocks as the waves pitched the kayaks into the walls of the caves. I think Brian Jensen lost a pint of blood that way.
Besides the kayaking, we went hiking...kicking this mini-soccer ball the entire way, ate some of Jer's delicious cooking, had some rowdy games of Farkel under the lantern light...and of course many deep conversations spawned by questions like 'What female attributes do you have?' Oh yes...those were some good times!
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