I told you a little while ago that we went on a hike up a hill in Highlands Ranch. James forwarded me this picture to prove our accomplishment. Okay, it was only a 15 minute hike, so don't get too excited for us. As I said before, this hike was cool because of the panoramic views. In the upper right corner you can see Denver off in the distance and I think that's Long's Peak just to the left of Megan's head.
On Sunday night, James took me under his wing and introduced me to racquetball. I have played once before, but that was 9 years ago and just goofing around because I didn't know the rules. It was quite fun, but let me tell you that I was extremely sore all day on Monday. I emailed James yesterday and had to admit, 'I thought about taking some Advil this morning, but then I realized that wouldn’t help my wounded pride.' I gave James many good laughs as I showed my incompetence at judging angles and fanned him (too many times to count) with air as I would swing and miss. My concluding thought to James, 'I look at racquetball like each hole in golf…5 bad shots…1 good shot…relish the good one and try to forget the others.'
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