We think Zoe's front top teeth are finally coming in, or at least Tanya claims she can see them right under the surface of her gums. Fortunately, the bottoms are pushing up nicely. Now that she's 14 months old, I was a little concerned that her teeth weren't coming in. Then I remembered that Karen's Dad (who's a dentist) told me once that the longer they stay under the gums, the stronger they get allowing more time for the enamel to harden...or something like that. So, in lieu of dental bills, I say take all the time you need little teeth. With the two bottoms almost all the way in, she's pretty cute when she cracks a smile. Zoe's also learned a new word and uses it often. It's 'Da-eee'. I think it took Megan awhile to move from Da Da to Daddy. I'm lovin' Da-eee!
My parents (aka Grampie & Grammie) arrive today for a few days. We're excited to show them around and eat the yummy cookies Grammie has promised to make us. More to come on their visit later.
Lastly, the McLeans have got there photoblog up and running, so you've got to check it out. There's a link on the Links page.
She also has another word that I love so much - it's "hi" and "hi" and "hi" and "hi" but sometimes in different octives. But Da-dee is the the best word she has!