New Year, New Step

New Year, New Step
Happy 2006!

For the last few days Zoe has been standing up in place quite a bit. She's pretty wobbly, but you can see her confidence gaining. Tonight (1/1) she took her first step towards Tanya. It was not to be repeated, so stay tuned.

We are having a great time with the McLeans visiting. It has been so fun to spend quality time together. Here's some of the highlights so far:

- hangout with the Craig's! Karen went to school in Pleasanton with Jesse & Kacey.
- swimming at the Rec Center.
- Disc Golf w/ Paul, Woody & James.
- Dinner at Hacienda Colorado
- Church at Aspen Grove CC
- Watching the Season I discs of 'Lost'
- taking in a collegiate hockey game...

So the hockey game was a total bust! As you may have read awhile ago, I went to a University of Denver hockey game. It was a great time. I thought it would be a fun outing with the McLeans. Two-time defending national champion DU was hosting the Denver Cup this weekend. Friday night DU played Princeton & Boston College played Ferris State. I was assured that DU would beat Princeton and BC would beat Ferris State, setting up a great Championship game on Saturday night between DU & BC. So about 2 weeks ago, we lined up some sitters for the kids and I got 4 tickets for the championship. Earlier this week, our newspaper wrote an article about how great the clash between DU & BC will be since both were expected to meet in the Finals. So what happened?? Friday night DU loses to Princeton 4-1...and BC wins in a shootout! Argh! Now we have tickets to a BC-Princeton championship game! Who cares about those teams?!? It was a risk that totally got botched. We went to the game anyway and BC kicked Princetons tail. The only cool part was that since the arena was practically empty, we moved down and sat one row behind the boards. It was awesome to be that close to the action even if you didn't care about which team won.


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