Don't think I've lost it. And don't think we went on some elaborate vacation. Per my Thanksgiving Day post, I thought of a neat way to do a little 'remembering'. Each month, we're going to flashback one year to that month and post one or two fun experiences or memories.
So here I go:
Last January, we were getting a little stir crazy in the house because it had been raining so much. We got spontaneous and ventured out to Solvang for a quick hike to Nojoqui Falls. What we didn't realize when we started our outing, was that we would come across a hidden gem along the way...Ostrichland! We pulled into the dirt parking lot and not having to pay admission, we walked right up to the fence finding ourselves face to face with these gigantic birds. They are so funny looking - huge bodies and tiny heads. Wait a minute, I think I've heard Tanya refer to me that way - big guy, little brain. No wonder why I liked the ostriches so much.
wish you were still here - got eggs?