Due to the increasing number of gifts we have for the girls, we started a tradition last year of opening some gifts early so that Christmas day is not so overwhelming for them. Megan & Zoe got some pretty cool gifts from from their cousins, the Ehrlichs and Andersons! Each girl opened 2 gifts and could then play with them immediately without thinking about opening more gifts.
I realized that I spend a lot of time talking about Megan. She does & says some pretty funny things, so it's easier to write about her, but Zoe is a character too and I need to share more about her. I'm going back on my prediction that she'll be walking by Christmas. She's not quite there yet, so I'll let you know when it seems more likely. Although, she is a pro at going up and down our stairs. We were bad parents and didn't put up gates, but that gave her plenty of opportunity to work on her skills and now she cruises up and down with ease. Her favorite words are: Hi, Da-Da, Uh-oh & Pa-Pa.
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