My company is located on the 6th floor of a ten story building. Outside the window of my office, I look down on a billboard. I can actually see it from my desk. The ads on the billboard rotate every so often, but the latest seems to have been there far too long. It reads, 'Got Gas Pains?'. It's put up by a auto parts company trying to get you to replace your spark plugs & air filter in order to get better mileage. I've realized though, if you have the gas pain message flashed before your eyes enough times during the day, it actually starts to happen. By mid-afternoon my stomach starts to ache and gurgle and then it's time for me to replace my air filter...JUST KIDDING...that never happens! I hope the next billboard ad showcases something a lot better than gas pains. If you had to stare at a billboard all day, what would you want it to advertise?
Turkey Trivia: Turkey eggs are pale creamy tan with brown speckles, and twice as large as chicken eggs. They hatch in 28 days. A baby turkey is called a poult and is tan and brown.
"trevor. have some dessert. it's ok."